Pinnawala Elephant Orphanage - Sri Lanka Holiday

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Pinnawala Elephant Orphanage

 In 1978 the shelter was taken over by the Public Zoological Nurseries from the Branch of Natural life. A hostage reproducing program was sent off in 1982. Starting from the beginning of the program north of 20 elephants have been reproduced here. The point of the shelter is to recreate a characteristic living space to these elephants. In any case, there are a few exemptions: the elephants are taken to the waterway two times every day for a shower, and every one of the children under three years old are as yet bottle taken care of by the mahouts and volunteers.

What should be done in Pinnawala

Every creature is likewise given around 76 kg of green matter a day and around 2 kg from a food sack containing rice grain and maize. The shelter which brags to have the biggest crowd of hostage elephants on the planet is extremely famous and visited every day by numerous Sri Lankan and unfamiliar sightseers. The fundamental fascination is obviously to notice the elephants washing which is very much a display.


Pinnawala (Pinnawela) Elephant Orphanage is located in the village of Pinnawala in the district of Kegalle at a distance of 90km from Colombo.

Arriving at Pinnawala Elephant Shelter

Pinnawala Elephant Shelter can be reached through the A1 Colombo - Kandy principal street. A mood killer at the 82 km post at Kegalle drives you to the Pinnawala Elephant Halfway house. The nearest rail line station is at Rambukkana 2km away from the town of Pinnawala.

History of the Pinnawala (Pinnawela) Elephant Halfway House

In the absolute starting point, in 1972, the halfway house was situated at the Wilpattu Public Park. In this way the shelter was moved to the Public Occasion Resort at Bentota Ocean side in the south-western beachfront belt and afterward to the Dehiwala Zoo, 11km south of Colombo. In the year 1975, the Branch of Untamed Life of Sri Lanka set up its current home: Pinnawala (Pinnawela) Elephant Halfway House at Pinnawala, Kegalle. From that point forward it never betrayed a stranded elephant: it invited all and extended from 4 stranded elephants to a pack of something like 109.

The motivation behind Pinnawala (Pinnawela) Elephant Halfway house

The basic role of the halfway house has been to give a life saver to the stranded child elephants and grown-up elephants lost in the wild. In many events, the mother of the stranded child elephant had been killed or there have been mishaps of child elephants falling into pits and missing out to the crowd. There were likewise cases the mother elephant had fallen into a pit and passed on leaving the child elephant lost in the wilderness. Occasions of grown-up elephants are being killed by ranchers to safeguard their paddy fields and yields bringing about child elephants being stranded.

The Pinnawala Elephant Halfway house was sent off to give the most ideal open door to the miserable survivors of such circumstances. Hostage rearing at Pinnawala (Pinnawela) Elephant Halfway house

The elephants at the Halfway house aren't exposed to any type of pressure, misuse or danger by any means and are upheld by a group of workers numbering to north of 100 including a gathering of mahouts.

The free development of the crowd inside the encased place that is known for the halfway house bears the cost of the elephant's potential chances to mate. In 1984, the principal child elephant of Pinnawela was conceived. Today a portion of these vagrants partake in the favorable luck of seeing their third era excessively brought into the world at the halfway house.

Besides, today, with the assistance of neighborhood and unfamiliar elephant specialists, the Shelter has started a logical hostage-rearing system for Elephants. From that point forward the halfway house has become one of the best hostage reproducing programs for Asian elephants.

Devastation of the Elephant Populace by the English Colonialists

Preceding the attack of the English in Sri Lanka in 1815, an expected 30,000 elephants lived on the island. During the 1960s, following almost 100 years of game hunting and jaunty butchering by the English colonialists, the elephant populace was near elimination. The awfulness of the destruction of the elephant populace provoked the Public authority of Sri Lanka to start the Pinnawala (Pinnawela) Elephant Shelter. The uplifting news is elephants are as yet not wiped out and the quantity of elephants living in the Sri Lankan wild surpasses 3,000.

Times to visit the Halfway house The middle opens at 8.30 in the first part of the day and shuts down at 6pm every day. Bottle taking care of is at 9.15am, 1.15pm, and 5pm and washing times at the waterway is at 10am and 2pm.

The washing hours are followed up by the taking care of hour at the principal focus of the shelter. Child elephants are bottle taken care of. Chosen guests get an opportunity of Jug taking care of milk to the child elephants.

The Example of overcoming adversity of Pinnawala

The example of overcoming adversity of Pinnawala has drawn the consideration of creature activists and researchers from everywhere in the world. An extensive number of books and exploration articles on Pinnawala have been distributed in a few dialects. The elephants of the Pinnawala group have been recorded, videoed, and captured large number of times by experts, and a great many times by beginners. The message of preservation from Pinnawala has been given to thousands, on the off chance that not a great many individuals, after they visit the halfway house.

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